Mindful Living

Over 28 years of Experience

Learn how to be more present in your everyday interactions while reducing stress, anxiety, and depression with our transformational meditation classes and workshops.

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Mindful Living Center

Our Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) workshops blend ancient wisdom and modern medical research, creating one of the most effective programs for healthy living available today. Develop greater balance, control, and participation in your life, realizing greater health and happiness. Certified MBSR instructor with 20 years experience of teaching Mindfulness.

  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Schedules

    See below for information on upcoming Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction workshops, individual MBSR sessions, and free meditation practice opportunities. Please subscribe to our mailing list to have the latest information delivered to your inbox.

  • Introduction to Mindfulnesss Based Stress Reduction Discussions and Practice

    Learn how mindfulness based stress reduction can enhance your life, as well as employee well being, leadership, and productivity? We offer a variety of mindful programs specially tailored for you and or your organization or business.

Workshops & Classes

Our informative and engaging workshops and classes can help you reduce stress, increase your relaxation, lead a happier and healthier life, and find inner peace. We proudly serve clients throughout Athens, Watkinsville, Winterville, Bogart, Jefferson, Commerce, Statham, Comer, and surrounding GA communities.



Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workshops




Why Our Customers Love Us!

Mike is very knowledgeable about Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. I like how he drew out the experiences and specific needs of the participants.

The class was excellent — very centering and helpful to me. In dealing with current issues, I grew a lot in my understanding of myself and my response to stress/trauma.

Join Our Mailing List

    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction has been proven effective for managing:

    Many people are referred to this program by their doctor or decide to participate themselves because they are not feeling well and want to participate more fully in their health.

    Contact Us

    If you would like to discover more about our Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction workshops or our gentle Hatha Yoga classes, please fill out the short form below:

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