Author Archives for admin
May 2, 2019 8:58 pm Published by admin A free offering from the Loran Smith Center, Piedmont Athens Regional What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is awareness that arises by paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally (that is, suspending judgment). Another way to define mindfulness is to look at its components – Attention, Concentration, Awareness, and Compassion and its benefits. Key Aspects [...]
January 11, 2019 8:42 pm Published by admin Resolutions are future oriented, and we often find them difficult to achieve. By cultivating intentions mindfully, we are working with habitual habits of behavior in the present moment, both in meditation and in every day life. Explore cultivating intentions mindfully as a more effective way to achieve your goals. Mindfulness Meditation – Attention, Concentration, Awareness, [...]
December 11, 2018 10:57 pm Published by admin Research shows gratitude improves health, helps you to feel more connected, decreases depression and increase your sense of wellbeing. Mindfulness Meditation – Concentration, Awareness, with Compassion Mindfulness is awareness that arises by paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally. Mindfulness involves training in attention, awareness, concentration, and compassion. Key aspects of mindfulness: Concentration [...]
October 29, 2018 7:20 pm Published by admin A free Loran Smith Center, Piedmont Athens Regional Mindfully Dealing with Holiday Stress Dealing with Holiday Stress – with Mindfulness We plan to discuss a few effective and immediate ways to manage holiday stress. Then, we will discuss and practice mindfulness as a way to deal with stress as a longer-term strategy for changing your [...]
October 1, 2018 11:17 pm Published by admin A free offering from the Loran Smith Center, Piedmont Athens Regional Mindfulness “Investigation” – Cultivating Wisdom This month we look at why mindfulness is such a valuable/useful practice – through mindfulness investigation we can cultivate wisdom. In addition to reducing stress, anxiety, fear, etc., mindfulness helps us discern what is skillful or wholesome and what [...]
September 11, 2018 4:04 pm Published by admin A free offering from the Loran Smith Center, Piedmont Athens Regional Being Mindful – formal sitting practice and during every day activities. Developing mindfulness as a way of being. Mindfulness Practice Evenings include discussion and practice of mindfulness. We will focus on both formal and informal (every day activities) mindfulness practices that allow you to [...]
July 23, 2018 5:55 pm Published by admin This brief video, featuring Jon Kabat-Zinn, may help you understand what Mindfulness is. The Mindfulness Living Center, Athens, Georgia offers you several mindfulness based workshops.
July 23, 2018 5:52 pm Published by admin Mindfulness Meditation – Concentration, Awareness, with Compassion Mindfulness is awareness that arises by paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally (that is, suspending judgment). Mindfulness involves training in attention, awareness, concentration, and compassion; coming to know and understand yourself in a deeper, experiential way. Key aspects of mindfulness: Concentration – the ability to [...]
July 23, 2018 5:50 pm Published by admin Friday, April 14, 2017 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. (This is a free offering from the Loran Smith Center, Piedmont Athens Regional, Athens, GA 30606) “When hungry – just eat.”This is wonderful advice found in eastern philosophy/psychology. And Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch speak of “intuitive eating” and “awakening the intuitive eater” in their book [...]
September 21, 2017 4:07 pm Published by admin A free offering from the Loran Smith Center, Piedmont Athens Regional Please join this talk and mindfulness practices focusing on cultivating relaxation through present moment awareness. Why wait for summer vacation, learn how now! The practice of mindfulness not only enables you to change your relationship to stress, anxiety, depression, etc., but it also leads [...]