Looking for Gentle Hatha Yoga Classes Near Athens, GA?
We are not holding Yoga classes over the summer.
Mindful Living Center, LLC can help you participate in your own health, gain greater flexibility and strength, and move into deep relaxation of mind and body, achieving a true state of stillness. Whether you are new to yoga, you’ve been “out-of-practice,” for a number of years, or you are fully experienced, all are welcome at Mindful Living Center! Beginners, college students, adults, seniors and people who want to realize greater health and happiness, reduce stress, and stay young through a gentle yoga practice can benefit from our hatha yoga classes. Each class session includes warm-ups, gentle stretching with awareness, breathing practices, and deep relaxation, all instructed and demonstrated throughout the class.
Our goal is to help you experience deep, relaxed awareness of mind and body, stillness, and safe-care through gentle stretching with awareness and mindfulness.

The following is a summary of each of the individual practices that make up the Integral Yoga class:

To Register or Have Questions?
The Hatha Yoga class is facilitated by Mike Healy, certified Integral Hatha Yoga instructor (RYT 200). For more information, please contact us today!